Our Story
The ball was created behind one simple premise: most golfers are not very good. In fact, it’s estimated that the average recreational golfer shoots around 100, not including all the mulligans, gimmies, foot wedges, simple omissions and/or penalties for lost balls. That’s over 30 strokes above the average professional, yet many will insist on spending thousands of dollars on equipment in hopes it will make them the next tour pro. If we can acknowledge our own mediocrity, it frees us to truly enjoy the sport.
Today’s golf ads, especially the ones about golf balls, are riddled with technical specifications about ball velocity, spin rate, number of layers, ball compression, touch & feel, etc. We average golfers need an advanced degree in science just to understand it all. And even if we did, would it really help us break 100?! Let's be real. The way most of us play, one thing is certain, the ball is not the issue. All we really need is some good friends, decent weather, a tasty cocktail, some good tunes, maybe a cigar or two, a set of clubs and, of course, a ball. That’s it. Simple and easy. Put those together and we are guaranteed a great day.
That’s the tone and vibe of the Ball. Simple, no-nonsense fun. Don’t spend top dollar for a ball that most likely won’t make it to the end of the round.
It’s time to play the ball you don’t mind losing.™