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Coming soon!

The initial rollout will be the basic model know as simply, Ball, with a $30 per box (12 balls) price point for the recreational golfer. The Ball is a two-layer ball with a rubber core and surlyn cover. Surlyn is a harder material than the other option, Urethane, which makes it travel farther. Isn't that what all recreational golfers want?

After this product successfully launches, we will then roll out THE Ball, targeting a more advanced golfer looking for more control in their flight and distance. THE Ball will consist of four-layers, resulting in a higher price point ($35 per box).

Soon after that, MY Ball will launch focusing on those golfers who want to stand out in the crowd with a “one-of-a-kind” statement piece. The plan is to have a dozen or so unique design templates to choose from, along with special seasonal/holiday releases all with a price point closer to $40/box. Additional customization (i.e., personalized names, images, etc.) will also be made available.

These three phases will be tested and established in the U.S. before expanding into international markets. Future expansion into other golf equipment and apparel will be driven by customer feedback and demand.

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